It's been a while...

..since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been in the process of rewriting my site. I’m tired of Wordpress, tired of escaping code, tired of futzing with code to make it readable, and basically tired of Wordpress working against me rather than with me. So I took a look at other blogging systems… and none of them had all the characteristics that I wanted. So I’ve been busy in background developing my own using Django. This will allow me to write code in blogs much easier, and I didn’t have to jump through the pain of trying to design my own Wordpress template.

The other big change I’m going to make is moving this site to a hosting provider. This site is run out of a box in the corner on a machine that’s a number of years old… it’s definitely on it’s last legs. I’ve purchased a slice from Slicehost, and hope to be moving this site there in the not too distant future. I’m going to do my best to try and not break the RSS feeds… but I can’t make any guarantees.